Researchers Examine the Double Challenge of Managing Long COVID with Disabilities


N达勒姆.H.—Researchers at the 永利app新版本官网地址 have received a grant for $2.500万学长COVID -挥之不去, long-term effects of COVID-19 — and its ramifications on the healthcare and employment of workers with disabilities. 授予, 来自国家残疾研究所, 独立生活与康复研究(NIDILRR), will allow researchers to focus on understanding how individuals with disabilities who are diagnosed with long COVID balance their health and job demands.

“的 COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fragilities and fault lines in our healthcare and workforce systems,Vidya Sundar说, 职业治疗副教授. “Today that can be compounded for people with disabilities who also have to deal with newly evolving cases of long COVID. 对于那些出现后covid状况的人, it is a double jeopardy of having to manage multiple debilitating symptoms. This study will focus on what that added layer of complication means for their day-to-day interactions with their employers and coworkers.”

Long COVID can cause lingering and persistent symptoms that can range from fatigue to issues with smell and taste, 慢性咳嗽甚至是难以解释的症状. 的 five-year nationwide study will focus on managing symptoms and the effect on their jobs, 比如工作疲劳和脑雾. 的 researchers will use a multi-pronged approach including in-depth interviews, 大规模数据驱动项目和新干预措施的测试, 叫做工作制作, that helps people find ways to change their perception of their job to reduce burnout at work. 的 goal is to use this data to help develop programs and policies that enable individuals with disabilities, 谁也在与COVID作斗争, 继续在社区生活和工作.

“我们知道残疾工人, 特别是那些在医疗保健第一线工作的人, 大流行期间的零售和服务业, 面临COVID暴露的高风险,黛布拉·布鲁克说, UNH残疾研究所的研究副教授. “对于那些长期感染COVID并留在工作岗位上的人, we are interested in understanding how they navigate career challenges—how they manage to both stay afloat and stay ahead in the workplace.”

的 study will be conducted in partnership with researchers at the UNH Institute on Health Policy and Practice, UNH戴蒙德图书馆和凯斯勒基金会, an organization that aims to improve rehabilitation and employment experiences of people with disabilities.

For more information on the study, researchers will hold a webinar with more details. 要注册,请到: http://umassmed.变焦.美国/研讨会/注册/ WN_ATXzJ5i-Sne7GCmjoL4J2A

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