About CaPS

CaPS Team Photo from Fall 2023 Career & Internship Fair

Who Are We?

With an uncommon commitment to personal and professional development, Career and Professional Success (CaPS) empowers all UNH students to proactively build the knowledge and skills they need to adapt and succeed in an ever-changing future.

Wildcats consistently impress with a belief in themselves, commitment to a set of values, dedication to hard work, agility to hit the ground running, and a responsibility to share their success with the next generation of students.

We are coaches, connectors, and champions for our students and alumni. We don’t just fix resumes, post jobs, and practice interviews. In partnership with faculty, staff, employers, and our global alumni network, we orchestrate opportunities for experiential learning, mentoring, networking, and personal growth, equipping UNH students with the tools to thrive throughout their lives.  

You believe in UNH. We believe in all of you. #IBelieveInUNH  #WeBelieveInYou 


Imbue career preparedness across the entire UNH community to equip our students with the experiences, knowledge, and skills to thrive in an ever-changing future.

Strategic Objectives

1. Partner with faculty and staff to integrate career and professional success into the UNH experience.

2. Consider the broad spectrum of students to effectively deliver the highest level of impact.

3. Actively engage a variety of employers to increase access to high-quality jobs and internships.

4. Prepare students to proactively engage in their post-graduate success.

Build awareness + Build professional image + Build experience = Build relationships

Wildcat Way to Professional Success

Learn about the Wildcat Way to Professional Success, Career & Professional Success's guide for students to develop personal and professional skills beyond the classroom.


Contact Career and Professional Success

Hood House | Second Floor
89 Main Street
Durham, NH 03824

Students Connect With Us
P: 603-862-2070

Employers Connect With Us
P: 603-862-2070


The Engagement and Impact of Career & Professional Success

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018